Ghost Runners Brewery

Ghost Runners Brewery & Kitchen is located at

4216 NE Minnehaha Street, Suite 108
Vancouver, Washington 98661, US
+1 360-989-3912

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Ghost Runners Brewery & Kitchen

Music Bingo Mondays


Get a bingo card and a glass of beer (or wine) and keep your ears peeled for songs listed on your card. Do you have the music recognition skills to outlast the competition? You could win major awards! It’s more fun than should be allowed on a Monday* night… but it is… we checked.

Here’s how it works: Bingo cards are distributed to all players at the brewery…participation is free! Music will play over the speakers, and if you correctly identify the song, and it is on your card, you mark that song. If you get 5 in a row before everyone else, you’ll win a BINGO! We play 3 rounds with 50 unique songs per round. Each round is on a single bingo card, multiple games played on each card, culminating with a blackout for the final round. All winners’ names go on a wheel, which we spin and the 3 names selected by the wheel get a prize.

Visit the taproom every Monday night 7-9pm to join the fun!

**Don’t forget to reserve a table! Due to the popularity of this event our tables fill up quickly!

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